- Jul 02, 2015
- by Alex Tiscareno
Research indicates 90% of disasters are water related.
Think about it – earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, freezing weather, drought, wildfires, tsunamis, even power outages can leave us without a clean water source. Possibly for days or even weeks.
So what do people worry about most in an emergency? Lack of water.
Top Survival Tips – Water Storage and Food Storage
Water storage and being able to obtain clean drinking water for your family in case of any emergency is key. Effective water filter products are the most essential emergency preparedness items and survival gear you can own. Period.
Putting together your emergency preparedness essentials can be confusing, time consuming and costly. Doesn’t have to be – let’s simplify. Here are some tips on how to begin bringing together your emergency preparedness plan.
Start With Water
Water is the most important element to have available in case of emergency. You will not survive without it. If water sources are contaminated; if water lines are broken; even if electricity goes out – you could be without water in a very short time – for a very long time.
Sagan offers two Brilliant Solutions:
AquaBrick™ Water Filtration System
Having an AquaBrick™ Water Filtration System in your home, office and in your car’s trunk, gets you ready for any water emergency – anywhere, anytime. Not only does the AquaBrick™ Water Filter take out the most common water-borne microbial cysts such as cryptosporidium and giardia; it removes and deactivates virus, bacteria, yeast, mold, spores, heavy metals, fluoride and chlorine. So now you can purify and drink any non-salt water surface water available. Even filtering your pool water through your AquaBrick™ Water Filter will provide pure, clean drinking water for your family. Filter the most cruddy, turbid water you find in the street after a flood and it will become safe, clean and drinkable water. In addition to being an awesome water filter, the AquaBrick™ containers are BPA free and make awesome water storage and food storage containers. So stock up; store food and water now – and purify what you need later in case of emergency.
Journey™ Filtered Water Bottles
Start using Journey™ Filtered Water Bottles now as your go-to everyday water bottle. They are BPA free and they’ll remove all the garbage in your tap water, like chlorine and fluoride, and make your water taste awesome. Now fast forward to an emergency situation where you and your family may need a more powerful filter to purify dirty, turbid or even pool water – and you’re already set. Grab a Journey™ water bottle for every member of your family, put a few extra in the trunk of each car and you’re good to go in any water emergency. Journey™ Filtered Water Bottle has the same awesome water filtration capabilities as the AquaBrick™ Water Filter – it removes common water-borne microbial cysts such as cryptosporidium and giardia; as well as removing virus, bacteria, yeast, mold, spores, heavy metals, fluoride and chlorine. So again you can purify and drink any non-salt water surface water available.
Disasters and Emergencies Happen – Preparation is Easy
Should any emergency occur and water trucks are no longer able to deliver water to your local stores, water is always the first item to disappear off store shelving.
Power outage: When this relatively common emergency occurs, water pumps cease to function. The water pumps in your city are most likely run by electricity. Should the electricity go out for more than a few hours you may find yourself without water supplies.
Wildfires: In case of wildfire you may be asked to evacuate your home. AquaBrick™ Water Filter System and a Journey™ Filtered Water Bottle (ideally grab one for each family member) in your trunk will guarantee you can turn any non-salt surface water into drinkable water for your family. Should you be asked to shelter-in-place, again – you can turn your swimming pool or any surface water into clean pure drinking water with these two great water filter systems.
Earthquakes: Earthquakes can occur anytime and just about anywhere. In a matter of minutes water lines may be broken and streets may be blocked prohibiting delivery trucks to your local stores. Again – no water at your local grocery store – it’s the first thing to disappear off shelves. Get our your AquaBrick™ Water Filter and filter any water source and provide clean pure drinking water for your family and pets.
Flooding: Floods have occurred in greater numbers than ever lately. Communities surrounded by water may be crippled and not have clean water to drink. Encourage your church or community center to stock up on AquaBrick™ Water Filters, providing substantial water for your community during an emergency.
Be Self-sufficient
In any emergency situation have the necessary survival equipment on hand. Help may not arrive for days. When they do you will most likely be one of hundreds of families in need. Learning to be self-sufficient in any emergency is a great responsibility, but does not have to be a daunting task.
In addition to Sagan Water Filters, we also highly recommend this great survival gear:
Kelly Kettle Ultimate Kit – This awesome survival kit boils water in minutes; cooks food at the same time. Uses all natural fuel. Tons of great camping equipment, too.
72 Hour Emergency Kits – grab and go with essential survival items
AquaBrick™ Water and Food Storage Containers: Assorted food storage – keep canned goods; protein bars; dried fruit on hand. Read more about the AquaBrick™ storage containers.
Solar or propane lantern – a must have to keep your family out of the dark.
First aid kit – start with a basic all purpose kit.
High quality radio – with no electricity keep apprised of the situation.